
In 2015, Annie, an eight-month-old puppy, became part of the De Beer family on their farm, Pellmeadow, near Paarl. She has a very unique skin colour and her breed could be determined as a cross between a Great Dane and a Pointer. At that stage there were 3 other dogs on the farm - 2 Great Danes and a Basset. Currently, her dog family consists of a Basset and a Great Dane.

There are 2 vet practices, horses and many chickens on the farm. It was soon clear that Annie's social personality allowed her to make friends with everyone on the farm. She is very athletic and no normal height fence or gate stops her from visiting her friends on the farm.

A very strong bond of friendship and trust developed between Annie and Dr Deon de Beer. She is his shadow.

When he works in the practice, she will wait patiently for him outside the practice door and attends almost every meeting he has. She will first greet everyone before she will listen obediently if she is asked to lie on her bed during the meeting.

Earthpet Vet is a practice established primarily to assist with the euthanasia of animals when their time has come. Annie has the uncanny ability to know before the animal will be put down and knows not to interfere. After some time, she will approach and offer comfort in the most sincere way, that only an animal can offer.

In early December 2022, Annie suddenly fell ill and as a result of the family's quick action, she was diagnosed with spleen cancer by a specialist practice. They were able to remove her spleen and thus save her life. Fortunately, Annie has a medical fund that was able to cover the surgery and hospitalisation costs.

At that stage, a Welfare and Rescue Enrichment Foundation concept had already been in the pipeline for a year and a half. Because Annie was given a second chance in life and has a very special personality, it was decided to name Annie's Animal Welfare and Rescue Enrichment Foundation after her. We hope her legacy will continue through the foundation and give other animals a better chance in life.